Wednesday, December 17, 2008

oops, i did it again...

...I have this pile of posts, sitting here, waiting ever so patiently. Yet, have I posted my last two Mondays? Nope. Between the running, and the work stress, and the holiday stress, and the trying to maintain my sanity, my blogs have given way. I am very sad about that, and have plans to rectify that in the new year. By plans, I don't mean that I want to, and thus, I shall. I mean that I have a plan for making it happen all devised. So, there's my pinky swear promise to those faithful souls who may be reading this.

In the meantime, I leave this ever-so-lovely link, found on that brought some sunshine to my day.

Happy holidays one and all...see you in the new year, with lots of love and excitement in my heart!

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