Saturday, December 20, 2008
A Sneak Peek...
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Just You Wait, 'Enry 'Iggins... Just You Wait!
I just want you all to know that I have SO MUCH CRAFT GOODNESS to show you! For reals! However, due to the fact that they are ALL Christmas Gifts, you can't see them until their recipients do. I mean, I haven't heard any horror stories about gift-giving being ruined by errant blog reading, but I am not about to take any chances.
And that's what I have to say about that. Stay tuned in the new year, when I will once again pretend to turn over a new crafting leaf and really do it this time!
We shall see. Hope everyone is having a faboo holiday season.
And that's what I have to say about that. Stay tuned in the new year, when I will once again pretend to turn over a new crafting leaf and really do it this time!
We shall see. Hope everyone is having a faboo holiday season.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
oops, i did it again...
...I have this pile of posts, sitting here, waiting ever so patiently. Yet, have I posted my last two Mondays? Nope. Between the running, and the work stress, and the holiday stress, and the trying to maintain my sanity, my blogs have given way. I am very sad about that, and have plans to rectify that in the new year. By plans, I don't mean that I want to, and thus, I shall. I mean that I have a plan for making it happen all devised. So, there's my pinky swear promise to those faithful souls who may be reading this.
In the meantime, I leave this ever-so-lovely link, found on that brought some sunshine to my day.
Happy holidays one and all...see you in the new year, with lots of love and excitement in my heart!
In the meantime, I leave this ever-so-lovely link, found on that brought some sunshine to my day.
Happy holidays one and all...see you in the new year, with lots of love and excitement in my heart!
Monday, December 1, 2008
before and after

Not so long ago (or so it seems), we made the jump from a futon to a grown up sofa (sofabed, that is). Somewhat unfortunately, the sofa we loved did not come in our first color choice (basic-yet-versatile black). After much pondering, we decided to go with the plum, and figured we could get a black cover when it became available, as we knew they were releasing a new black cover in a few months. Anyhow, said plum sofa, while lovely, did not really go with the color scheme we had been cooking up thus far. I had no intention of painting over the carefully chosen wall color, so we were a bit limited.
Fortunately, inspiration struck. I realised I had fabric on a bolt in my stash that would tie the wall color to the sofa color! I really loved the fabric, and had bought what was left in hopes of many projects that would use it, but wanted to wait for the right moment to use it. The moment had come. I started by covering a wooden frame in the fabric, a lovely pattern of hindu gods and godesses in shades of plum, gold, and rust, to adorn a wall. I realised the fabric would make some great throw pillows, as well, but wanted something to add dimension. So, after an afternoon at JoAnn fabric (I had a coupon!) for trims, and an evening at Crafty Planet (who had a birthday sale) for contrasting fabric, and one more afternoon cozied up to my sewing machine...I had four brand new, distinct throw pillows. Two are up above, next to what they are covering up. I have one more stray pillow, but want to think of something a little funkier for it.
The pillows were deceptively simple...all straight seams and hems. Two are completely sewn shut, but a seam ripper along a small portion of one side would release the inner pillow, and the cover would still be reusable. The other two are envelope style, allowing for even quicker change.
So, if you have some cool fabric and an afternoon, a living room makeover is within reach.
Monday, November 10, 2008
lash me with a wet noodle
That's what Abby would say, anyhow. I know I've been terrible about blogging, and I heartily apologize. It's not for lack of topics or will, that's for sure! I've been busy, which is no excuse, and have had a bit of computer trouble and photo-loading issues.
However, I have many projects to weigh in on, including reupholstering the dining room chairs, making spooky treats, getting through that pesky pile of mending, finding wonderful creative people, and generally creating and addition to all that mundane stuff like a day job, laundry, raking leaves...
So, I am back, and will have many posts forthcoming with many pictures and much merriment, which is perfect given we are heading into the traditional holiday season (my main holiday just passed, another reason I am remiss).
So, to tide you over, I present a new (to me) discovery...a girl who is whom I would love to be when I grow up, and all her wonderful musings and creations:
Inside a Black Apple
However, I have many projects to weigh in on, including reupholstering the dining room chairs, making spooky treats, getting through that pesky pile of mending, finding wonderful creative people, and generally creating and addition to all that mundane stuff like a day job, laundry, raking leaves...
So, I am back, and will have many posts forthcoming with many pictures and much merriment, which is perfect given we are heading into the traditional holiday season (my main holiday just passed, another reason I am remiss).
So, to tide you over, I present a new (to me) discovery...a girl who is whom I would love to be when I grow up, and all her wonderful musings and creations:
Inside a Black Apple
Sunday, October 26, 2008
A whole month... sad. In my defense, there's been a whole lot of traveling and prop-making in my life lately. Also baking, which is the theme of today's post! Specifically, cupcakes. Beautiful, lovely cupcakes. First, my special recipe of 1 box mix + 1 can of soda. This mix was your standard white cake plus a can of diet 50/50 (think Squirt!) Light, citrus-y, and delicious. The choo-choo train cakes were for Fox, an adorable 3-year-old with a love for Thomas the Tank Engine. The spider cakes were leftovers that I will bless my coworkers with tomorrow. Plus all the leftover candy, because I just don't need to have that kind of stuff laying around my house!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Guten Morgen!
And no, I didn't buy anything.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Lamer than Lame
So here it is... the 17th. A Wednesday. So I don't really have to post until tomorrow. Except I haven't posted for like a month. Does this mean that crafty things have not been happening? Yes, yes it does. My sewing machine sits, alone and unloved, on my craft table. Most of my life lately seems to be all rolled up in deciding if I want to keep my job, getting psyched for my trip to Germany, and watching Netflix movies. None of those things are bad, per se... just not very crafty.
I promise to keep my eyes peeled for novel and clever DIY-craftiness in Berlin whilst I am there. But I also promise I won't be doing any crafting while on vacation.
Until later!
I promise to keep my eyes peeled for novel and clever DIY-craftiness in Berlin whilst I am there. But I also promise I won't be doing any crafting while on vacation.
Until later!
Monday, September 8, 2008
not according to plan...
...I left work on Friday with the best of intentions. Outside of getting in my 25 minute, two-and-a-half mile run to keep on track for running a 5K at the end of the month, I was going to cut, cut, cut! Fabric, that is. My plan was to dig up all the fabric I was planning to use for reversible totes, like the one I made my mom for mama's day, and cut out the basic pieces. Then, whenever a free minute emerged, I could stitch together said pieces, tiny assembly line style.
Unfortunately, the weekend went a little haywire. The 'rents are staying with us for a bit of a visit. My mom hurt her foot whilst out walking her dog Friday night. Come Saturday, it just hurt more and she couldn't walk. So, the hubs dropped my dad and her off at the ER. She came home in a splint with orders to see an orthopedic doc Today about her broken bone. Fortunately, it was the best case scenario, and she is casted and relaxing. However, my Saturday went to cleaning up and getting things situated so she could lounge on the sofa and keep her foot up. Sunday went to me being horizontal due to craptastic headaching. Boo!!
However, I have a plan for making the bags. I think a fabric store run is in order for some contrasting fabric to a couple of solo pieces I have, then I have to sort fabric into piles for which piece it will become, then cut and sew! Simple, n'est pas? In other news, I was totally inspired whilst perusing the mall. I have an idea for an accessory combining beading and textiles and other fun stuff. I'm hoping to get a prototype up this week for approval.
So, lots of words, and no action this week...BOO! I promise to improve. Or should I continue to put it off?
Unfortunately, the weekend went a little haywire. The 'rents are staying with us for a bit of a visit. My mom hurt her foot whilst out walking her dog Friday night. Come Saturday, it just hurt more and she couldn't walk. So, the hubs dropped my dad and her off at the ER. She came home in a splint with orders to see an orthopedic doc Today about her broken bone. Fortunately, it was the best case scenario, and she is casted and relaxing. However, my Saturday went to cleaning up and getting things situated so she could lounge on the sofa and keep her foot up. Sunday went to me being horizontal due to craptastic headaching. Boo!!
However, I have a plan for making the bags. I think a fabric store run is in order for some contrasting fabric to a couple of solo pieces I have, then I have to sort fabric into piles for which piece it will become, then cut and sew! Simple, n'est pas? In other news, I was totally inspired whilst perusing the mall. I have an idea for an accessory combining beading and textiles and other fun stuff. I'm hoping to get a prototype up this week for approval.
So, lots of words, and no action this week...BOO! I promise to improve. Or should I continue to put it off?
Saturday, August 30, 2008

Anyhow, it was my friend Melissa's birthday, so I created some earrings for her. They are bicone Swarovski crystals in two shades of red, on sterling chain. I was attempting to create something simple, yet sparkley for her, to fit her Sparkling personality.
Happy birthday, Melissa!!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Crafting with Mixed Feelings
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Crafting with Kayla!

Thursday, August 14, 2008
Dagnabbit, Martha!
So, I picked up a faboo bag at a garage sale. (Not the one pictured... that one is courtesy Martha Stewart!) It's incredibly comfortable to carry, just slip it over your wrist and go! (Plus, it's super small so I can't cram it too full with unnecessary crapola.) I have been searching for WEEKS for a tutorial, hoping I wouldn't have to do something crazy and take it apart to "see how it works" because I want to sew some for my sister's wedding party. ANYWAY, Martha comes through in a pinch, and here is her tutorial plus a pattern for this cute bag!
I have some fabric scraps I picked up specifically to try this out, and hopefully I can post about an actual craft, soon!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
fun with tee-shirts!

So, over at the old day blog, I'm working on a 101 things in 1001 days post. I'm not quite done, as trying to put together all my little to-do lists into one giant to-do list is a bit more daunting than I thought! However, one of those to-dos is to conquer my pile of repair/rework items. Some of these are pretty straightforward--mend a seam here, stitch a hem there. Others require more thought and time.
The bulk of these reworking projects are tee-shirts. Back in my younger days, when I lived at home and thus had disposable income, I attended many a rock show. Usually at least one a week. Everything from big time rock stars, to little know acts from across the globe given a chance by my teenage self because the tickets were dirt cheap. Along with this concert going went concert tee-shirt buying. I loved those tee-shirts! At the time, I also loved BIG tee-shirts, usually opting for the extra large size. Now, I have a stack of barely worn tees, which I still love but don't wear because I know longer try to drown my frame in tees sized for men who hit the gym or the buffet (or both) more than the average bear.
What to do with them? There's the ever popular tee shirt quilt. I did think about this. However there were some problems with the plan. A) while I sew, I do not quilt B) Once I had the quilt, what would I do with it? 3) Quilts just plain aren't very rock-and-roll.
Then, a while back, I started thinking that there must be a way to take them down. However, older, wiser seamstresses said this was impossible, the scale wasn't right for doing so, they would look just plain wrong. Then, a younger, sassier generation of seamstresses (and seamsters) stepped up and said there was a way!! There are plenty of books and sites for altering tees out there these days. My goal is to make my tees look like other regular articles of clothes that just happen to be made out of tees. I think these two tees from Stitch Lounge fit the bill.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Blast from the Past!
So, I'm hurriedly getting this post in before departing for a fantabulous road trip to Wisconsin tomorrow! I plan on seeing fantastic works of folk art and strange roadside attractions, which I will definitely post about. However, today I want to talk about Care Bears. Back in 1988, at the height of their popularity, my dad helped me make these lovely balsa-wood representations of all my favorites! All you need is: balsa wood, wood stain (Sharpies or Acrylic Paints would work fine, too) a basic template for bear, muzzle, and tummy... and then specialty shapes for the tummy symbols! Eyeballs and ears are colored in with Sharpie... and that's good for drawing in the deatils on Wish Bear's tummy, and the raindrops on Grumpy Bear.
Still cute, even 20 years later!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Just a quickie
I am madly writing this before check-out time. We've spent a long weekend in Chicago for Lollapalooza! W00T! It's been a swell time of music and fun. Of course, Perry Farrell is a bit of a hippie and tree hugger, so there was much opportunity to learn about recycling and environmentalism. After verifying that we'd offset our carbon footprint in coming to the festival, we grabbed a large garbage bag, and set off to collect mucho recycling that had been abandoned across the grounds. We wound up collecting enough to earn a fab recycled tee-shirt! (I would post a picture, but the tee got a little gross during a mosh pit later in the evening). So, instead, I try to keep the spirit of the festival and being green, and present an oldie but goodie making fabric out of plastic bags!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Late, again!
As I sit a home last night and think... "It's Thursday! I'm supposed to post today... I haven't crafted a gosh-darn thing." SO... off I went. I threw together a "placemat" bag for a basket my Stitch'n'Bitch crew is filling for a silent auction. (Como Park Block Nurse Porgram is having a fundraiser at the Como Park Carousel on Monday, August 11! Come ride the Carousel! It's beautiful!) I also wanted to try turning some of my cast-off cat food cans into pin cushions. SO... here are the results...
I am thinking about embellishing the handles on the bag a bit with my new favorite: Sharpie Paint Markers... They aren't available in many colors yet, but some white flowers and green leaves should spruce them up a little.
I've updated the photo to include the embellishment!
Oooo! Cutie! And a great use of: Scrap Fabric, unused Scrapbook Paper... and of course the cans! (Just make sure you clean them out well... or it'll get a little fishy.) This one turned out a little lumpy, but that could be because I maybe didn't even really look at the tutorial when I was doing it. I might have been all "oh, I can figure this out!" So next time I'll follow along the instructions. (And maybe not waste quite so much hot glue.)
I've updated the photo to include the embellishment!
Monday, July 28, 2008
as promised, almost

I was going to also post some fabric pics, but the light wasn't cooperating, so I shall get those up as soon as I remember to take shots during the daylight hours!!
In the meantime, I have been enjoying the summer, and all the opportunities it offers to wear sundresses, cotton jumpsuits, and icy cold beverages.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
The answer: An Adipose!!
I found this GREAT tutorial... it was weirdly like fate. My first attempt wasn't 100% successful -- sometimes I'm not a great directions-follower -- but I have Adipose #2 halfway sewn and I think it may be gift-worthy!
Plus I have to see the show sometimes too, I s'pose.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Silly me. I thought a once-a-week posting assignment would be a piece of cake. However, Monday seems to sneak up on me every darn week. Thus, all of the adorable pictures and witty prose I thought would be here for you to read do not exist. Le sigh.
However, I am well into skein two of the scarf I started for last month's challenge. I am in official get-the-darn-thing done mode, and did about a foot of scarf last night while watching DVDs with my sister and her kids. I had to give up for the evening though, when my left hand started to cramp, and I feared a blister on my right index finger (aka the tension finger). I am still debating on whether I should also learn to purl, and make a complimentary scarf that is entirely purled.
In other crafty news, my mom loved her reversible tote bag. She now wants them in "all the colors." I have yet to determine what that means. It's the only one currently in existence. It's not like there are specified colorways for the choosing. Do I start at one end of the fabric store and start buying? Does this mean I also have to exhaust all the possible combinations? So much pressure! In the meantime she sent a skirt out, with my visiting sis, of which she loves the fabric just not in skirt form. I have been instructed to bagify it, thus I believe this is the second of "all the colors." I also found a robe this weekend while consignment shopping that is not so great as a robe, but which has delightful fabric. I must go back and purchase said robe and use the fabric as yet another of the colors (and maybe for a garment or wrap).
I have learned some fabulous sewing tips over the last couple of weeks, and look forward to cranking it up a notch. I actually started making my first mock up! I always just cut the fabric and go, and it usually works itself out. However, I am hoping to make a top quality garment, so we shall see if this cheap cotton mock up is worth the trouble. Part of my problem is that I hate cheap fabric. It is more difficult to work with, particularly for a test run. I suppose if I can find something I love to work with on the cheap, it won't be so bad.
Finally, in the previously mentioned consignment shopping, we found a gorgeous formal from the '40s that fits my gorgeous niece. She is going to wear it to her prom this year (yes, that is nearly a year away). There are a couple of minor flaws to be fixed, and guess who has been tasked! So, I am off to do some repairs so she can haul the dress home. I promise that next week there will be pictures of some sort of projecting, and hopefully some wittier writing.
Happy Monday!
However, I am well into skein two of the scarf I started for last month's challenge. I am in official get-the-darn-thing done mode, and did about a foot of scarf last night while watching DVDs with my sister and her kids. I had to give up for the evening though, when my left hand started to cramp, and I feared a blister on my right index finger (aka the tension finger). I am still debating on whether I should also learn to purl, and make a complimentary scarf that is entirely purled.
In other crafty news, my mom loved her reversible tote bag. She now wants them in "all the colors." I have yet to determine what that means. It's the only one currently in existence. It's not like there are specified colorways for the choosing. Do I start at one end of the fabric store and start buying? Does this mean I also have to exhaust all the possible combinations? So much pressure! In the meantime she sent a skirt out, with my visiting sis, of which she loves the fabric just not in skirt form. I have been instructed to bagify it, thus I believe this is the second of "all the colors." I also found a robe this weekend while consignment shopping that is not so great as a robe, but which has delightful fabric. I must go back and purchase said robe and use the fabric as yet another of the colors (and maybe for a garment or wrap).
I have learned some fabulous sewing tips over the last couple of weeks, and look forward to cranking it up a notch. I actually started making my first mock up! I always just cut the fabric and go, and it usually works itself out. However, I am hoping to make a top quality garment, so we shall see if this cheap cotton mock up is worth the trouble. Part of my problem is that I hate cheap fabric. It is more difficult to work with, particularly for a test run. I suppose if I can find something I love to work with on the cheap, it won't be so bad.
Finally, in the previously mentioned consignment shopping, we found a gorgeous formal from the '40s that fits my gorgeous niece. She is going to wear it to her prom this year (yes, that is nearly a year away). There are a couple of minor flaws to be fixed, and guess who has been tasked! So, I am off to do some repairs so she can haul the dress home. I promise that next week there will be pictures of some sort of projecting, and hopefully some wittier writing.
Happy Monday!
Friday, July 18, 2008
So we finally got together to make some goals -- one of which was me posting every Thursday -- guess what I *didn't* do yesterday? (Well, it's a little obvious, isn't it.)
Anyway, on an unrelated note: Mamma Mia! The Movie is pretty cute, and a fun time.
So I've been doing a lot of cruising around the internets, reading some fabulous crafty blogs and looking for some new crafty ideas to try... Here are a few of my favorites:
scrapjazz has a great tutorial for making this uber-cute Family Tree... I've fallen out of my papercrafting lately, and this might be just the thing to get me back on track!
roman sock's Little Acorn Knitting Bag (that can also be adapted to a strawberry!) looks like it would be perfect for those one-skein projects (socks, anyone?)
...and as a person who is totally in love with Bento boxes, and the art of the Adorable Lunch... The Small Object (a great blog! Check it out!) has a great tutorial for a Reusable Sandwich Wrap - farewell to plastic sandwich bags!
In other news, I have a wedding I am attending tomorrow, and I have exactly nothing prepared to gift! It may be an early-morning JoAnn trip followed by a flurry of crafting! Thank goodness the wedding isn't until 3pm!
Good crafting to all, and to all a great Friday!
Anyway, on an unrelated note: Mamma Mia! The Movie is pretty cute, and a fun time.
So I've been doing a lot of cruising around the internets, reading some fabulous crafty blogs and looking for some new crafty ideas to try... Here are a few of my favorites:
scrapjazz has a great tutorial for making this uber-cute Family Tree... I've fallen out of my papercrafting lately, and this might be just the thing to get me back on track!
roman sock's Little Acorn Knitting Bag (that can also be adapted to a strawberry!) looks like it would be perfect for those one-skein projects (socks, anyone?)
...and as a person who is totally in love with Bento boxes, and the art of the Adorable Lunch... The Small Object (a great blog! Check it out!) has a great tutorial for a Reusable Sandwich Wrap - farewell to plastic sandwich bags!
In other news, I have a wedding I am attending tomorrow, and I have exactly nothing prepared to gift! It may be an early-morning JoAnn trip followed by a flurry of crafting! Thank goodness the wedding isn't until 3pm!
Good crafting to all, and to all a great Friday!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Kind of cheating...
...but kind of not.
I know we were all supposed to try a new craft last month, and I was going to make these adorable mini-cupcakes... but it just didn't work out. However, I did have the opportunity to try my hand at building a banjo for a play I'm working on. So, I'm posting that as my new craft! So there!
Take one 1"x3" and an unfinished hatbox... add paint and some hot glue, and VOILA! It isn't playable, but hey -- it looks goooood.
Friday, July 4, 2008
I used the Amy Butler "Sophia Carry-All" pattern... A lot more sophisticated than any pattern I had used before. And, okay, I don't usually use patterns at all. A LOT of ironing interfacing, and then making the piping, and them maybe I didn't follow the instructions *exactly* which made me have to adjust things later on...
However, keeping in the proCRAFTinating spirit, I did use fabric that I already owned! I am pretty proud of it, and given enough time to heal and forget - I may try this pattern again!
Monday, June 30, 2008
One more bag....
I made it using McCall's pattern M5339. I do not recommend this pattern. To say it was trying is a major understatement. There were an insane number of steps, many of which were unclear, even to a relatively seasoned sewer, such as myself. Some were outright wrong, and I learned to trust my instincts over the directions. Whilst I am proud of myself for sticking it out instead of giving up, I will never make this pattern again, and was even considering tossing my idea of making my sister-in-law a girly bag. I am glad I continued with hers, as it was a much more pleasant project. I am crossing my fingers that he gets much use out of it, and that it is practical.
The duel results are in!!
After much hemming and hawing, I finally finished this diaper bag for my sister-in-law. I was apprehensive due to difficulty with a previous diaper bag, but this pattern proved much more clear, despite the challenges provided by new (to me) interfacing.
I was dumb, and in a hurry, so I forgot to take photos of the inside. It is lined in aqua cotton twill, and provides pockets-a-plenty, and a swivel clasp to keep keys handy.
I chose the fabric based on colors I've seen her wear frequently, and thought it would be nice to have a stylish diaper bag, rather than one that is more for baby than mom. I like to think I succeeded, and judging the reaction at her baby shower, I think I succeeded.
Overall, there were some challenges, but I learned lots of things!
Now, we must wait and see for Proptart's response to the duel!!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
A duel!!
It's a first in Procraftination history!
I am challenging Proptart to a duel.
Here's the sitch. I have a bag to finish by the weekend. She has a bag to finish, albeit not by the weekend, but she is procrastinating something fierce (not that any of us EVER do that). So, Here's the challenge: Come Monday, we must have our respective bags finished, with the surely amazing results posted here.
Will our trusty heroines finish in time????
Tune in Monday and find out!!
I am challenging Proptart to a duel.
Here's the sitch. I have a bag to finish by the weekend. She has a bag to finish, albeit not by the weekend, but she is procrastinating something fierce (not that any of us EVER do that). So, Here's the challenge: Come Monday, we must have our respective bags finished, with the surely amazing results posted here.
Will our trusty heroines finish in time????
Tune in Monday and find out!!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
inside out and round and round

Thus, she only recently got her bag, and since I couldn't spoil the surprise, I had to wait until now to show off my handiwork. Having made this bag, I now have some modifications I will make for future bags, including the way I turn in the top and how I do the straps (straps are a pain to turn out!). However, I was pleased with the way this turned out and apparently Mom is too, as she has already requested more "in every color." I hope it proves sturdy enough. I double stitched all the seams, and made two rows of topstitching along the top edge to accommodate the various weights of toted things. I am hoping that is sufficient.
Overall, I am happy with this run at the bag, and will keep my peepers peeled for appropriate fabrics!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
For reals, this time.
We apologize muchly for our lack of May posting. We had plans for challenges, and pictures, and projects. Alas, one of us sneezed, and the month was gone entirely (excuse us).
However, we are back! We are working on projects aplenty! Most importantly...we have a June challenge!!
We are about to head into a new season, and the waning of our days. So, to celebrate the longest day of the year, and the new season that will emerge, the June challenge is:
Learn a new skill and create something you've never created before! For example, I have done lots of crafty, arty things, but the one thing I don't know how to do is knit. So, I shall learn to knit, and plan to make a scarf (which will come in handy once summer has come and gone).
July 1st, we will post pictures of our projects, and ask you to do the same.
On your mark, get set, GO!!!
However, we are back! We are working on projects aplenty! Most importantly...we have a June challenge!!
We are about to head into a new season, and the waning of our days. So, to celebrate the longest day of the year, and the new season that will emerge, the June challenge is:
Learn a new skill and create something you've never created before! For example, I have done lots of crafty, arty things, but the one thing I don't know how to do is knit. So, I shall learn to knit, and plan to make a scarf (which will come in handy once summer has come and gone).
July 1st, we will post pictures of our projects, and ask you to do the same.
On your mark, get set, GO!!!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Long time no post... I fear the beautiful weather is drawing me out of the house and away from all my languishing craft projects! I apparently need to purchase a very long extension cord so I can sew outside.
Also, a local fabric warehouse is going out of business and I may have purchased around 10 yards of "potential apron" fabric. I definitely have a problem.
Also, a local fabric warehouse is going out of business and I may have purchased around 10 yards of "potential apron" fabric. I definitely have a problem.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
I was able to pick up my trusty Singer sewing machine from being repaired today! It was the best case scenario, and it should be purring like a kitten, and sewing like a dream again.
Whew. I feel much better now that she's back at home.
Whew. I feel much better now that she's back at home.
April Apron
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Had to sew this! I bought the pattern (and the fabric! ack!) yesterday in downtown White Bear Lake. (oooo la la!) I was up there to check out the Crafted Together show, and they were also doing some cute thing where if you stopped in certain shops they'd give you a flower - so you built your own bouquet! Awesome.
Also stopped in at the Back Door Candy Store and bought candy I didn't need. So good though! Caramel popcorn and Necco wafers and orange crush in a bottle! And Jelly Bellies! MmmMMmmm...
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Apron Post!
Obviously I should have just posted my apron when I finished it. Then I wouldn't have missed the posting deadline!
My favorite part was my brilliant decision (lazy) to sew the trim on the pockets with "contrasting" red thread -- and then having to sew it *again* when I attached it to the apron. So not cute.
Honestly, I think it's too cute to actually wear for cooking!!
Coincidentally, I bought a NEW apron pattern today and some cute fabric for a gift! I promise to post the results!
i'm workin' on it!
Yes, I know May first has come and gone, and I have no pictures to show of my apron accomplishments! The weather hasn't been cooperating with my photography wants, so as soon as I can get a chance to get a sunshiney photo, it will be up. Hopefully, that will be by tomorrow evening.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
apron update!
So, I have officially kicked the butt of the April challenge. I made not one, not two, but THREE aprons! (insert the Count laughing maniacally here). However, two were made as gifts, and I stupidly did not photograph them before they went to their new, happy home.
However, I made the third apron this evening, as my shoulder was still too grouchy to really work out. I thought about using a patter, then said, eff that!" Then, I let the adorable fabric take over. I shall photo it, and post it promptly on Thursday!
I also have mucho inspiration for sewing projects. Unfortunately, my machine has different ideas, and needs to take a much needed rest. Hopefully, a little tune up is all she needs, for I am very attached to her.
However, I made the third apron this evening, as my shoulder was still too grouchy to really work out. I thought about using a patter, then said, eff that!" Then, I let the adorable fabric take over. I shall photo it, and post it promptly on Thursday!
I also have mucho inspiration for sewing projects. Unfortunately, my machine has different ideas, and needs to take a much needed rest. Hopefully, a little tune up is all she needs, for I am very attached to her.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Happy Earth Day! Tanks - Teeny - Totes!
In celebration of Earth Day, and the excitement of being able to combine crafting with thrift store shopping - today's project is from Stitch Lounge:
Turn a thrift store tank into a teeny tiny shopping tote you can carry in your purse! (I feel as though this is a proCRAFTination solution for me, if only because every time I go to Trader Joe's I end up buying another reusable bag because I've forgotten the one I bought last time.)
In any case, here's what happened...

Turn a thrift store tank into a teeny tiny shopping tote you can carry in your purse! (I feel as though this is a proCRAFTination solution for me, if only because every time I go to Trader Joe's I end up buying another reusable bag because I've forgotten the one I bought last time.)
In any case, here's what happened...
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Quick and Easy!
So this doesn't really help with the ol' Craft Stash... but I was at Pier1 today and was perusing their clearance table textiles... Before I knew what had happened I'd picked up a place mat and coordinating napkin, with a dream of a bag.
And that dream has now become reality...
Not bad for $5 and about an hour! It could have been much, much worse.
And that dream has now become reality...
Not bad for $5 and about an hour! It could have been much, much worse.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
So hard to wait!!!
So I finished my apron for the April challenge... but I noticed that we said we'd wait to post until May first! I don't know if I can make it.
In other news, my trials and tribulations with the Amy Butler "Sophia" bag continue. I did a heckuva lot of fusing today, and there is yet more to do! I have a bit of a reprieve though - I'm waiting for the purse feet to arrive. I anticipate that although this is a "trial run" I will never sew this bag again. Ever.
I also purchased a really inexpensive dress form today - to model my apron, and other crafty projects for photos. I consider it an investment.
And that's all I got.
In other news, my trials and tribulations with the Amy Butler "Sophia" bag continue. I did a heckuva lot of fusing today, and there is yet more to do! I have a bit of a reprieve though - I'm waiting for the purse feet to arrive. I anticipate that although this is a "trial run" I will never sew this bag again. Ever.
I also purchased a really inexpensive dress form today - to model my apron, and other crafty projects for photos. I consider it an investment.
And that's all I got.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
we wouldn't be complete without a little cheesecake!

So Proptart mentioned a short time ago, our fateful trip to JoAnn Etc. (aka the artist formerly known as JoAnn Fabric). In addition to impulse purchases, I actually purchased things for a planned project! Imagine that. Not only did I purchase these items, I made the item in time to wear it as I had planned! Crazy. This little blog seems to be serving its purpose. I have completed two projects in a timely fashion.
On the left I am wearing a choker I made out of a braided trim and fringe, with a flat hook and eye closure. I made it to coordinate with the trim on the romper (a V-day gift from my hubby, off my wishlist) I wore to the Rubber Ball 2008 at Ground Zero Nightclub in Minneapolis. I also purchase a plume and a maribou clip which are in my hair. I was very pleased with the outcome, which was very old-timey tightrope walker or saloon performer.
Monday, April 14, 2008
...and scene...
Just had to pop in to say, I have officially finished the project from hell. It started out so innocuously, what I thought would be a thoughtful, useful gift. I picked the perfect pattern, fabric, notions. I cut out all the pieces. Then, I looked at the directions. Just when I thought I made headway, the next step would tell me to repeat the last five or so. I thought I was halfway, until I realized there was another page. However, I have conquered all 67 steps (those were just the ones that were numbered), figured out how to fix most of the mistakes in the directions, and live with the one I didn't catch.
I would post a picture and more details, but as it is a gift, that will have to wait as to not spoil the surprise! Now, onto a different gift, and the April Apron challenge!!
I would post a picture and more details, but as it is a gift, that will have to wait as to not spoil the surprise! Now, onto a different gift, and the April Apron challenge!!
Friday, April 11, 2008
A confession...
...Raven and I gave in to temptation.
We went to JoAnn to pick up some trims and what-not, for already established projects... but we both purchased NEW FABRIC!
I feel better already.
The new yardage *is* intended for the April/Apron challenge though, so at least it is fabric with a craft in mind.
And they are going to be ADORABLE!!
We went to JoAnn to pick up some trims and what-not, for already established projects... but we both purchased NEW FABRIC!
I feel better already.
The new yardage *is* intended for the April/Apron challenge though, so at least it is fabric with a craft in mind.
And they are going to be ADORABLE!!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Aprons, eh?
Somehow my game turned "April" into "Oven Mitts." I won't bother you with the mechanics of that incredible verbal feat!
Anyway, check out these hottie dottie oven mitts! I've been using a single, college-era oven mitt a'la Target for quite a few years. It was time for a new look!
Thank you to "Simple Sewing" by Lotta Jansdotter... a great book with some fab projects for your home! Cute, simple, and clean.
Anyway, check out these hottie dottie oven mitts! I've been using a single, college-era oven mitt a'la Target for quite a few years. It was time for a new look!
Thank you to "Simple Sewing" by Lotta Jansdotter... a great book with some fab projects for your home! Cute, simple, and clean.
Monday, April 7, 2008
April showers bring....
Remember those word games where you start with a word, and letter by letter you change the word into new words until all the letters are changed and you have a completely new word?
For example:
Okay, so the middle one isn't a word, but it's the best I can come up with when I should be sleeping, but am not because my back is killing from bad rehearsal chairs and a bus ride home.
But, that brings me to what April brings...aprons!
Here is the first of what will be a potentially monthly challenge*. By midnight of April 30th, build an apron. Bonus points if you use stuff you already have lying around your house/craft room/garage/parents' basement.
We will post our results on May first, and will look for your results in the comments on May first!
Ready, Set, Go!!
*This challenge brought to you by the letter A, the number four, and our morning break.
For example:
Okay, so the middle one isn't a word, but it's the best I can come up with when I should be sleeping, but am not because my back is killing from bad rehearsal chairs and a bus ride home.
But, that brings me to what April brings...aprons!
Here is the first of what will be a potentially monthly challenge*. By midnight of April 30th, build an apron. Bonus points if you use stuff you already have lying around your house/craft room/garage/parents' basement.
We will post our results on May first, and will look for your results in the comments on May first!
Ready, Set, Go!!
*This challenge brought to you by the letter A, the number four, and our morning break.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Wow, it's like we really exist or something.
I can't believe it.
I mean, a BLOG? Like we have something to say that people will want to read about?
This is a pretty high-pressure situation.
On the plus side, I think I totally have to buy new MOO cards with the blog addy on it...
I can't believe it.
I mean, a BLOG? Like we have something to say that people will want to read about?
This is a pretty high-pressure situation.
On the plus side, I think I totally have to buy new MOO cards with the blog addy on it...
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Up and running!
So, this bad boy is set up! W00T!
Look for some fantabulous posts upcoming from the three Procraftinators, with perhaps some info about who we are, and what we are up to. We may take requests once we are rolling from our readers, as we love to help. In the meantime we hope to offer what we've learned, wonderful tips for crafty readers, and reviews of crafty products out in the wild, as well as what we're working on, and eventually where to find our goods in the internets!
Look for some fantabulous posts upcoming from the three Procraftinators, with perhaps some info about who we are, and what we are up to. We may take requests once we are rolling from our readers, as we love to help. In the meantime we hope to offer what we've learned, wonderful tips for crafty readers, and reviews of crafty products out in the wild, as well as what we're working on, and eventually where to find our goods in the internets!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
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