Silly me. I thought a once-a-week posting assignment would be a piece of cake. However, Monday seems to sneak up on me every darn week. Thus, all of the adorable pictures and witty prose I thought would be here for you to read do not exist. Le sigh.
However, I am well into skein two of the scarf I started for
last month's challenge. I am in official get-the-darn-thing done mode, and did about a foot of scarf last night while watching DVDs with my sister and her kids. I had to give up for the evening though, when my left hand started to cramp, and I feared a blister on my right index finger (aka the tension finger). I am still debating on whether I should also learn to purl, and make a complimentary scarf that is entirely purled.
In other crafty news, my mom loved her
reversible tote bag. She now wants them in "all the colors." I have yet to determine what that means. It's the only one currently in existence. It's not like there are specified colorways for the choosing. Do I start at one end of the fabric store and start buying? Does this mean I also have to exhaust all the possible combinations? So much pressure! In the meantime she sent a skirt out, with my visiting sis, of which she loves the fabric just not in skirt form. I have been instructed to bagify it, thus I believe this is the second of "all the colors." I also found a robe this weekend while consignment shopping that is not so great as a robe, but which has delightful fabric. I must go back and purchase said robe and use the fabric as yet another of the colors (and maybe for a garment or wrap).
I have learned some fabulous sewing tips over the last couple of weeks, and look forward to cranking it up a notch. I actually started making my first mock up! I always just cut the fabric and go, and it usually works itself out. However, I am hoping to make a top quality garment, so we shall see if this cheap cotton mock up is worth the trouble. Part of my problem is that I hate cheap fabric. It is more difficult to work with, particularly for a test run. I suppose if I can find something I love to work with on the cheap, it won't be so bad.
Finally, in the previously mentioned consignment shopping, we found a gorgeous formal from the '40s that fits my gorgeous niece. She is going to wear it to her prom this year (yes, that is nearly a year away). There are a couple of minor flaws to be fixed, and guess who has been tasked! So, I am off to do some repairs so she can haul the dress home. I promise that next week there will be pictures of some sort of projecting, and hopefully some wittier writing.
Happy Monday!